Sawmill Complex

Mystic Mountain RR extended into a previously un-raised area of the yard by raising it to "railroad level". It became a home for the sawmill complex and ACME Manufacturing plant. My objective for this area was to create some challenging switching operations. After some trial and error, I was able to include a long spur to hold several arriving log cars from the logging camp. I added a runaround siding, one leg of which serves as outbound track for the sawmill. Finally, I made the spur serving ACME “trailing point”, i.e. an engine has to pull cars past the switch and back into ACME. This will present some challenges in switching cars in and out of this area.

Sawmill complex

 Overall View of Sawmill Complex


  Steam boiler & water tank for sawmill

Mystic Mountain RR #5 Dropping Off a String of Log Cars

New ACME Manufacturing plant

Video of sawmill motor

Old sawmill complex

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